
Cardaneo (also “We”, “Us” or “Our”) is educational online resource aimed at helping individuals who have desire to learn about, understand and achieve consistent profitability in their crypto investing endeavors.

Ethical & Respectful Treatment

Our principal means of conduct is ethics and respect towards all the creation. We genuinely want to help our customers in their crypto education and crypto investing efforts. We intend to establish a clear value exchange and purpose in all our professional and personal relationships. We provide our services on an equal value exchange principle. All our dealings are based on a win-win scenarios, rather than winner-loser. We get paid for our efforts in preparing the website material and providing our services. Our customers get the value of our educational material and our services. We must both win.

We are not here to get you, to cheat on you or simply to get your money. We set our intention to receive currency from only those who truly value us and our service. We do not perform, nor we endorse any kind of nefarious activities, sneaky business, immoral conduct, manipulation or unjust treatment of anyone. We expect the same from our clients.

We support honesty, integrity and sincerity for the sake of mutual benefit. We strive to be as transparent as practical while maintaining privacy to protect our selves and our interests. Our intentions are always genuine and good. We strive to develop better communication skills and open the dialogue for absolute clarity with exchanges and expectations that may be discussed beforehand, between parties involved.

Acceptance of Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

This site is owned and operated by Cardaneo for your personal use, information and education. By accessing this site, browsing or subscribing, you agree that your use of Cardaneo.com website indicates your acceptance of privacy policy and these terms of use. Any engagement with this website, including any email correspondence is considered to be purely on a voluntary basis and means that you agree to accept the terms and conditions as stated in this policy.

Changes to Cardaneo.com Terms of Use

These are the current website terms of use. They replace any other website terms of use for Cardaneo.com website published on this website to date. We reserve the right to change privacy policy and these terms of use at any time and without advanced warning by updating this page. You are bound by any such revisions and should therefore review this page every time you visit this site. We reserve any rights not expressly granted in these terms and conditions.

Education & General Information Only

The information on this website is educational and of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your particular financial needs, circumstances and/or objectives. It should not be construed as financial, taxation or legal advice.

Even the information obtained through subscription and/or individual sessions demonstrates Cardeneo’s personal views and opinions that may not be applicable to your specific financial needs, circumstances and/or objectives, but rather a demonstration of one possible scenario applicable to Cardeneo’s circumstances. It is solely your decision to accept or apply any of the information and you bear the full responsibility of doing so. You should always seek professional financial, taxation or legal advice. Cardaneo is neither financial, nor taxation, nor legal professional nor expert.

We provide material on this website not as professional advice but as guidelines for convenience only, upon the condition that the user, by receiving, reading and listening to the material contained on this web site, agrees not to act in reliance upon it without first satisfying himself/herself by independent inquiry or advice as to the correctness, accuracy, relevance, currency, reliability or otherwise of that material, including (without limitation) representations of fact, nature, quality and suitability.

Before acting on the basis of this information, you should consider its appropriateness to your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You should also obtain and read a copy of the relevant Prospectus or Product Disclosure Statement before making any decision to acquire a financial product.

Accuracy of Information and Limitation of Liability

We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, currency or usefulness of information made available through this website. Material on this site is provided “as is” and does not constitute a warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. We will not be liable for or in connection with any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in information made available through this website or individual sessions. However, we will endeavor to ensure that information is updated as soon as practicable when we become aware that material changes have occurred.

We make no warranty that the use or operation of this website will be uninterrupted or error-free or that the website is suitable for any particular purpose or has any performance, functionality or security features except as we are required to provide by law. To the extent permitted by law, our liability is limited to resupplying the services accessible through this website.

The user agrees that the user shall have, make or bring no action, suit, claim, demand or proceedings against us for damages, compensation, losses, costs, expenses, orders or any other legal or equitable remedy should any such material be found to be incorrect, inaccurate, erroneous, defective, deceptive or misleading, whether caused by negligence or any other cause whatsoever.

This disclaimer also applies to material contained on other web sites connected by hypertext link to this web site.

Although we believe that our web hosting company provides appropriate security measures, we are not responsible for the practices, actions or inactions of that company.

Our Commitment to Privacy

Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available by linking to this page in footer section of every page of our website.

Personal Information We Receive and Collect

We receive and collect several categories of personal information.

Information that you voluntarily provide: for example, we may collect information received from user opt-in input forms or emails and comments submitted through this site as well as any other communication or correspondence you send.

Information collected by our web servers: when you visit this site, our web servers may automatically collect your internet protocol (IP) address and information about the web page that you visited immediately prior to visiting our site.

Cookies: a cookie is a small text file that is sent to your web browser from a web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. When you visit this site, a cookie may be sent to your computer. You can control whether or not you want to accept cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser. See more in our privacy policy.

Use of Personal Information Collected

We may use the information that visitors provide us to respond to correspondence, improve our site, inform visitors of new products and services and for informational or other developmental purposes.

We may use the information collected by our web servers to help us track our visitors’ use of the site, analyze traffic patterns, record session information, store visitors’ preferences, and identify sources of web traffic to our site.

We may use cookies to record session information, such as items that visitors add to their online shopping cart.

We reserve the right to share your personally identifiable information, including but not limited to your email, postal address, and phone number with affiliates and third parties. In the event that our company or its assets are acquired by or merged with a third party, the information collected by our site may be one of the assets transferred.

We may also use personal information to investigate, prevent or take action against suspected illegal activities, problems with this site, or as required by law. We may use the information for legal proceedings, such as responding to subpoenas, court orders, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.


Cardaneo website content is copyright and the information provided on, and available from, this website is owned by Cardaneo. You may not alter or modify this information in any way. This information may be viewed online and may be reproduced in hard copy only for your personal reference. Any other use of the copyright material from this website has to be done with our express permission and in accordance with our directions.

The use of, and creation of links to, this website (including use of our copyright material) are at the risk of the user and are subject to our rights and the user’s general legal obligations. We make no warranty and accept no liability in relation to use of the copyright material. For further information about creating links to this website and about using our copyright material, contact us through our online form on our Contact page.

User Comments & Client Product Reviews

It is important for us to note that user comments or client product reviews will not be censored. We support freedom of speech and we are open to receive genuine and well meaning critique. We are interested to hear what you have to say about us, our products and our services. We strive for open communication and dialogue. We will never punish or retaliate to our users or clients. We support justice and fairness. We do not intend to harm anyone and we expect others’ intentions to bear the same principles.

Links to Other Websites

This website may have links to other websites, which are operated by third parties. Cardaneo does not endorse or approve the information, graphics and materials that may be contained on those websites. Furthermore, we do not make any warranties or representations regarding the accuracy, quality or timeliness of such third-party information. Hence, we advise that you do not act on the information contained within these websites without obtaining independent legal advice. Third party links will load into a new window.

This policy does not apply to websites that this site links to, websites that link to this site, websites framed by this site or any other third party websites. We are not responsible for the content, products or services on those sites.

Affiliate Links

Occasionally, our site may link to informational products or other goods and services available for sale using an affiliate link. Affiliate links are used to track purchases you make on other sites that this site refers you to and we will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you).

We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing any product or service. Articles with affiliate links are not a guideline, a recommendation or endorsement of specific products unless otherwise stated.

Links to other sites, including sites offering larger purchases or investments, may be affiliate links as well, or may use some other method to compensate us for referring you.

Any referral or recommendation this site makes for a product or service is made first and foremost because we believe in the product or service being recommended and feel it will be of legitimate interest to our readers. We may refer products or services that initially do not compensate use, and later make an arrangement with the merchant to earn a commission for future referrals.

Any goods or services this site may refer you to are believed to be of legitimate value, but you must always do your own due diligence before making any purchase or investment. We cannot be held responsible for transactions or investments you make as a result of a referral from this site. If you wish to enter into a relationship with a merchant, it may be advisable for you to place a small order first to ensure your satisfaction.

Delivery of Products

Most of our products are digital in nature. E-books, guides, videos, self-study packs, online memberships and subscriptions and similar products will be available to you online immediately after purchase with nothing mailed to your home. You will receive email(s) within approximately 1 hour after your purchase telling you how to access your product.

Cardaneo sessions are delivered online (for example through Skype or Zoom calls) upon scheduling session times through our website.

Product Returns & Refunds

Due to the nature of electronic products, returns are not necessary, nor possible. With the subscription service, users gain access to Cardaneo postings and updates. Once seen, they cannot be unseen. Other electronic material (videos, images, sounds or text) bear the same characteristics and thus receive the same treatment. Cardaneo sessions that are used cannot be returned. Once the time is spent during the session, the time cannot be retrieved back.

The refunds will only be issued upon the request for unused portions of subscriptions or sessions. The refunds will be done on a prorated basis considering the length of the subscription remained or number of unused sessions. In case when services have not been rendered at all as per other clauses of these terms and conditions, full refunds will be issued.

We are not out there to get you or your money. We are honest and ethical in our dealings and we will consider every request with full seriousness and respect. We may ask you questions from time to time that help us improve our services, but we always strive to be righteous about all monetary exchanges. If we err, we will only do it to our detriment and always for the benefit of our clients and users.

Opt Out Rights

If, at any time after visiting the site, you change your mind about receiving information from the site or sharing your personal information as described in this policy, you may request an opt out, by contacting us.

No Children Under 18

This site is not directed to, nor does it knowingly collect any personal information from children under 18. If a child who we know to be under age 18 sends personal information to us online, we will only use that information to respond directly to that child, notify parents or seek parental consent.