PulseChain Launch Strategy

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PulseChain is Launching Soon!

The next crypto-paradigm revolutionizing product created by Richard Heart is expected to launch soon. Although the exact date of the launch is unknown at this time, crypto investors need to do their preparations for the launch as quickly as possible.

PulseChain test network has been running flawlessly for months now and final improvements and modifications are probably being completed at the time of this writing. As soon as Richard Heart gives the green light, PulseChain main network (mainnet) will go live!

The desire to launch PulseChain network as soon as possible is counteracted by the need to achieve very high level of reliability of the network. Richard Heart’s previous grand project: HEX has 100% uptime and all attempts will be made to match such a stellar legacy. Thus the delicate trade off between quick launch and quality product will ultimately be Richard Heart’s call. Even though PulseChain may be months away from the actual launch, the launch can also happen within a week or two.

Due to expected unnatural behavior of many market participants around the forking event, the launch will not be announced well ahead of time. The actual snapshot moment may not even be known with any great precision. All is planned to be done surprisingly fast with almost no heads-up notice.

Faster, Better, Cheaper...

PulseChain is a full fork of Ethereum network, meaning not only it will be heavily based on Ethereum network code, but it will bring all the ERC-20 coins into newly established PulseChain network (PRC-20). That is considered the largest airdrop in history of crypto – it never happened before with other Ethereum forks.

While initial value of all airdropped coins will start at zero, it is expected that valuations would raise quickly since PulseChain brings many significant improvements with respect to already great, tested and tried Ethereum code.

Compared to existing Ethereum network, PulseChain will be:

  • More energy efficient due to 100% Proof-of-Stake (PoS) nature of securing the network
  • Faster in terms of transaction processing and verification times (3-4 times faster)
  • Much less expensive (much lower fees) to send coins or transact in any other way
  • Inflation-less, as a matter of fact, it will be deflationary network due to portion of its native token Pulse (PLS) being burnt with every transaction
  • Keep-your-own-keys delegation system with no admin keys and no risk of theft
  • Native exchange (swap) protocol using PulseX token (PLSX) and much more

With all of the best features crypto technology offers today, it is expected that market will embrace everything PulseChain from day 1. Thus the need to participate in this new ecosystem from the very beginning is so crucial.

What Happens when Flood Gates Open?

Participation in PulseChain project does not start with launch of main network. As per Richard Heart’s design, there were two periods of so called “sacrifices” that are now over. Those who sacrificed for Pulse (PLS) and PulseX (PLSX) will be credited with corresponding amounts of those two tokens upon launch. They will have not only all the airdropped coins, but these two main coins as well.

It is expected that during first 24-48h of main net, no bridges will be available. Thus it will not be possible to bring in any value from outside the PulseChain network. All trades will be done with Pulse, PulseX, HEX and other airdropped coins (relative trades or swaps only, no Dollar nominated trades).


Upon opening the bridges, fresh money is expected to flow into the PulseChain network, which will not only establish real prices for all PulseChain coins (PRC-20s) but may also produce significant raise (“pump”) of many coins, especially above-mentioned, so called “Richard Heart Coins”.

You Must Have Your Own Launch Strategy

In order to participate in this frenzy and make the most out of it, one must thoroughly prepare and devise their own best strategy. Proper positioning will be the key for success and yet coin swap ratios are unknown. Extreme volatility is expected and consequently those with proper trading plans and fast execution stand to do extremely well.

It is urgent that you prepare your plan of action to get the best positions possible in your circumstances and maximize your future PulseChain portfolio value. If you:

  • Sacrificed for Pulse or PulseX or both or
  • If you have some HEX coins or
  • Even if you only have some ERC-20 (Ethereum blockchain coins)

Then schedule a one-on-one PulseChain strategy development session NOW!

I will work with you (over Zoom, Skype or Signal) to help you develop your custom launch trading plan. You will understand ranges of expected swap ratios and you will be prepared for different swap scenarios. You will be able to use your unique strategy upon the launch to benefit the most out of this once-in-a-lifetime crypto event!

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