AQUA Token Airdrop Claim

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Aquarius (AQUA) Token on Stellar Network – Airdrop #2

Last year, it was announced that XLM holders will be able to participate in an airdrop of Aquarius (AQUA) token. XLM is a ticker for Stellar Lumens crypto coin. Aquarius token is a relatively new token designed to boost liquidity of automated exchanges on Stellar network.

AQUA Airdrop Announcement on Medium

AQUA tokens were to be airdropped to all wallets holding any amount of XLM and at least 1 AQUA. The cost of 1 AQUA token at the time was rather insignificant – mere 1 cent. However only certain Stellar wallets are capable of holding AQUA tokens (as opposed to XLM that can be held in a number of various wallets).

Thus to qualify for the airdrop, ordinary XLM holder had to go through an effort of creating AQUA eligible wallet and funding it.

I have taken AQUA airdrop seriously and I made sure to fulfill eligibility requirements. I have created couple of Stellar wallets: Lobstr and StellarX, transferred all my XLM coins there and also bought some AQUA. Since the amount of AQUA airdropped was proportional to the amount of XLM held, I also converted all my non-essential portfolio coins into XLM. By January 15, 2022 I was ready for the snapshot.

Practical and creative design of AQUA airdrop is that the claimable airdrop amount was divided into 36 monthly airdrops (that can be claimed one at a time over the course of 3 years, starting in March 2022). This feature prevented dumping of entire airdrop bags and ruining the price of AQUA for everyone.

On top of that, each wallet was assigned a random date within a month (which would stay the same for all 36 months) as to when the claim can be made. For me, it is 3rd of each month.

Claiming Monthly Airdrops

Now that the snapshot is gone and claims have started, it is too late for new XLM holders to participate in AQUA airdrop. However, those that did participate can look forward to their monthly “paycheck” of AQUA during the next 3 years.

The price of AQUA has come down since the snapshot (but mostly everything in crypto dropped recently anyway). Currently, 1 AQUA trades around 0.2 cents and the drop is mainly due to XLM itself dropping quite a bit during last several months. Well, it is what it is – markets drop and rise. I am sure eventually we will experience a pleasant turnaround.

I have sold first three claims of AQUA as I perceived some potentially better opportunities. In general, the decision will be made each month anew. I am sure some months, I will be happy to hold onto my AQUA tokens or even re-buy those that I’ve sold (and some more).

My Month of June 2022 AQUA Claim [Video]

In the video below, I show you my process of claiming AQUA tokens for the month of June 2022. First I look for pending payments in my Lobstr wallet. Then I check the same wallet on StellarX website (just to show you both, but accessing just one of the wallets is enough). I eventually claimed my monthly AQUA airdrop tokens on StellarX.

What are "Junk Airdrops"?

Junk or spam airdrops have nothing to do with AQUA airdrop. However, they require additional clarification as they clutter the airdrop space.

What I refer to in the video as “junk airdrops” are numerous unsolicited airdrops of some dubious coins. The amounts are normally very small and it usually costs more in network fees just to claim those coins than their actual value. If lucky, one can recoup some value from selling them, but note that those coins are mostly not very liquid (hard to find someone to sell them to). Basically these spam coins are quite a waste of time besides security risks that they may pose. It is best to ignore them altogether.

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